
       Reverend Roger Brassard

I have looked up your Feller site and find it very interesting.  I have a great deal of material that I could send you, once I find it.  I retired just a year ago and redid all my old files. So do you think I can find anything now?
              RE: THE CLASS OF 1967 
 I did find the last prospectus for Feller College, "Prospectus 1966-1967.  It is a short 8 pages and one cover.  It is signed Emily Anne Gilmour (Mrs. John S.), Registrar.  Of course, the Rev. John S. Gilmour was the Principal that last year. It might be of interest to list staff that you have located. 
I also have a copy of the booklet produced for the last graduating class, spring of 1967. These are the students of the 1966-1967 class:
       Mary Elizabeth Eaton, from Wolfville, N.S. 
       George Frank Hofbauer, senior class president 
       John Anthony Feist, 
       Claire Lila Milburn 
       Mike G. Desjardins 
       Marlene Harris 
       Raymond Maurice Auclair 
       Gordon Douglas Payne 
       The honourary members were 
        the Rev. Roger R. Brassard 
        and Mrs. Suzanne Louise Brassard (Mrs. Roger R.) 
Teachers mentioned for 1966-1967 are:

    Mr. Willard Meldrum
    Mr. Rudolphe Putnaerglis
    Mr. Irwin Mark
    Mr. Jean-Claude. Gervais
    Mr. Kurt Brosi
    Mrs. Betty Meldrum

The members of the Junior class of 1966-1967 were:

    Ian Belding
    Charles Bockus
    Robert Clough
    Collin Gage
    James Galloway
    Stuart Kent
    Peter Lloyd
    Linda Masseau
    Michael Noiseau
    Shirley Paradis
    David Perham
    Fernando Ramirez
    Kenny Ritch
    Wendy Samis
    Ronald Smith
    Garth Steeves
    Neil Stocker
    Linda Ward

The "Prayer Calendar" for the Grande Ligne Mission lists some of the Feller Staff for 1967.

    Rev. John S. Gilmour, Principal
    Mr. Willard Meldrum, Vice Principal,
    Mr. Lloyd Meldrum, supervisor of the Boy's Residence
    Mrs. Olive Burridge, house mother and sewing teacher
    Mrs. Vivienne Laplante, Librarian, and acting nurse
    Mrs. Annette Gervais, house mother
    Mrs. Emily Ann Gilmour, secretary and Registrar
    Mrs. Lunine Robinson
    Mrs. Jaqueline Paquin, office clerk
    Mrs. Lucy Brouillet, Director of Music
    Mr. Kurt Borsi, Physical Education Instructor
    Mrs. Monique Flowerday, teacher, grades 4 and 5.
    Mr. Malcolm Flowerday, teacher, grade 8.
    Mr. Jean Claude Gervais, Second language French, grades 8 to 11
    Mrs. Wilma Lortie, teacher, grade 8.
    Mrs. Doris Paradis, teacher, grades 7 and 8
    Mr. Irwin Mark, teacher of Chemistry and Biology
    Mrs. Betty Meldrum, teacher of typewriting, grades 10 and 11
    Mr. Rudolph Putnerglis, teacher mathematics and physics, grade 11
    Rev. A. J. Steeves, teacher, grade 9
    Mrs. Ruth Steeves
    Miss Viviane Terrier, teacher, grade 9

From my own memory I can add that other staff members in 1966-1967 included:

    Rev. Roger R. Brassard, Guidance Counsellor and Chaplain
    Mr. Phillips Motley, Choir Director
    Mr. John Cook, Choir Accompanist
    Mr. Eugene Auclair, Farm Manager
    Mrs. Aurore Auclair, Assistant Farm Manager

For the class of 1967, I think that Tony Feist, whose address I included above, is the best ones to give you further information.  I shall try to find more myself.


                    THE CLASS OF 1966

The pamphlet "The Grande Ligne Prayer Calendar 1966" includes the following staff for Feller, for 1966:

    Rev. John S. Gilmour
    Mr. Willard Meldrum
    Mr. Guy Lortie
    Mrs. Henri Brouillet
    Mme. Lydia Brouillet
    Mrs. Wilma Lortie
    Mr. Charles Boulos
    Mr. Peter Ferguson
    Mrs. Marjorie Ferguson
    Mr. Malcolm Flowerday
    Mme. Monique Flowerday
    Mr. Jean-Claude Gervais
    Mrs. Emily Anne Gilmour
    Ms. Lilian Jessop
    Mme. Vivianne Laplante
    Mr. Irwin Mark
    Mr. Kurt Brosi
    Mrs. Betty Meldrum
    Mrs. Doris (John) Paradis
    Mr. Rudolphe Putnearglis
    Mlle. Viviane Terrier
    Mr. Arthur M. Burridge
    Mrs. Olive Burridge
    Mr. Victor Lacombe
    Mr. Gordon Chalmers
    Mr. Lucien Paquin
    Mrs. Jacqueline Paquin
    Mr. Maria Ward
    Mrs. Bertha Caron
    Mr. Guy Caron
    Rev. Roger R. Brassard


I would add from my memory, the following staff for 1966:

   Mr. Phillips Motley
    Mr. John Cook
    Mr. Eugene Auclair
    Mrs. Aurore Auclair