The History of Feller College
This article was printed in the newspaper
Dialogue, vol. 10, no. 4, September 1996. It was written by alumnus Frances
Masseau Tyler. When I stumbled across this article by accident, I decided
to get involved in this web site project (Rick).
"Feller institute, known as the
Grande Ligne Mission, was founded in 1840 by Henrietta Feller and Dr. Roussy,
who came from Switzerland. Later, Edwin Bosworth, who came from England,
became secretary of the school. (I am the proud owner of his bible dated
1850). They came to instruct the French Canadiens into the Baptist faith.
This majestic building began as a one room schoolhouse, which now houses
the Feller museum. Feller was a private boarding school for all faiths
and nationalities. There were to be many changes, since the early days.
The mission was closed during World war Two and used as a detention camp
for German prisoners.
I can still recall, while out on a visit with my
parents, going to my father's brother, Albert Masseau, who lived in Grande
Ligne (we were living in the States at the time), seeing the high wire
fence surrounding all the territory of Feller, including the farmland.
The lookout towers everywhere inside. The soldiers being taken up for walks
up the Grande Ligne road every day. What a difference their life was compared
to the prisoners in Germany.
In 1948, my father, Theodore Masseau, moved his family back to his native Quebec.
He was born in Sabrevois, Quebec.
My mother, Gervais Granger, was born in Franklin, Vermont. They opened
the General store that had been closed during the war. There was a two
story house attached. By today's standards, all this would have looked
primitive. There was one gas pump in front of the store; upstairs, his
brother Camille had a barber shop. He also had a cobbler shop. My father
started a garage in the back shed. He was also a machinist (brought with
him from the States, a huge lathe which my brother Teddy has today). He
worked during the war in Groton, Connecticut at the submarine base known
s The Electric Boat Co. I could tell you stories of that period, with sirens
and blackouts (during the war) as we were close to New london, where the
Naval and Coast Guard base was.
So, back to Grande Ligne. These
were exciting years for all who had anything to do with the re-opening
of the Grande Ligne Mission. I went to this fine school as a day pupil
(in the early 50's), as did my two brothers and sisters. In 1949, my father
built a house and garage on 30 acres of land about a mile up the road.
We would walk to school and return home for dinner, no matter if snow,
sleet or rain (no school buses for us). Feller Institute was a complete
village. It was self contained: there was a farm, and a store with a post
office, and a church. Also behind Feller was Massey Hall which housed the
gym, infirmary, residences for staff, boiler room which heated both buildings.
There were two tubes connecting Feller and Massey Hall. One for the girls
and one for the boys. There was also a laundry room which had a huge kitchen,
staffed by many, with walk-in refrigerator, etc. 300 students and
more ate in the dining room. There was a beautiful chapel, where many Feller
graduates stood to receive their diplomas. It was also used for plays,
etc. Every morning, all pupils had to congregate in the chapel before classes
started. We were read the bible, then other things pertaining to that day,
then a prayer. There were pupils from all over Canada, the States and overseas.
we were all one happy bunch. There are memories of which I could only begin
to tell you. There was a complete farm with dairy cows and a magnificent
stand of maples and a sugar house. there was a water tower which furnished
every house and building on the property. there was Roussy Memorial church,
which my family attended every Sunday, including sunday school. My own
children Michel and luke also attended this church, being in he Christmas
plays, etc. There are still services now, but in French. Ours was mostly
bilingual. Many ministers have passed through this small country church.
Some are buried in the cemetery behind Massey Hall, including Mme. Feller,
Roussy, Bosworth, Massey, Boisvert and others. I remember most of the church
suppers we used to put on. I and the other women and men of the community
helped organize this annual event in the fall. We helped serve tables and
do mounds of dishes in the kitchen. Our turkey dinners were renown throughout
the country. All the food was homemade, with all the trimmings (no catering
for us).
The school was very strict, girls
had blue uniforms and white blouses; the boys - blue blazers (girls also),
grey flannel pants and white shirts, and (horror) ties. I wonder if the
schools of today would be better off but..(this is an oldie talking!).
The girls were in one wing (left side), the boys (right side), with thick
steel fire doors on each wing and on every floor.
The last graduation was in 1966.
my sister Charlene Masseau graduated that year. It was a sad graduating
class, and more like a funeral than a graduation day. It was the end of
an era. Families moved away, children left, only a handful of people are
left to this day. There were Paradis, Lord, Peron, Masseau, Brownrigg,
McTaggart, Maybee, Auclair, to name a few. Many are no longer with us.
It is something that binds us together when we meet. For these were the
golden years of our lifetime.
The next year was Expo year 1967.
the school was used as a hotel for those going to Expo. Then, in 1968,
the 22nd of December is etched in my memory forever. It was about 11:00
AM on a sunday morning, I was in the kitchen preparing dinner, when a frantic
call came from my friend Peo, who lived on the property, saying "there's
smoke coming from Feller". I looked towards the school, as I only lived
three houses from the church, and saw smoke going skyward. I dropped everything
and ran down the road to the school. Everyone watched far into the evening
as this beautiful building, which had stood for many years, guiding the
paths of many people, go up in flames. A community's way of life was ending.
We were all in shock. To this day, I can remember every detail of that
day. Later the whole building was to be torn down. My brother Teddy
had the task of removing every stone, until nothing remained, only a slab
of concrete where once stood the chapel.
My brother George (jug) still runs
the garage my father built so long ago. I could probably write a book on
Feller. there is so much to tell. My husband George, along with his mother
and grandmother are buried in the cemetery behind Massey Hall. Someday
I will join him. George always loved Grande Ligne as a youth. He would
run away from home in Montreal and find his way to his Grandfather's house
in Grande ligne or his best friend, Ben Lord. We both knew the early life
of this historical setting. It was his first love, no matter what part
of the country he was in. It was loved by one and all. Many people come
back to see what is left of this once great institution. Even some of the
German people who were in detention camp. To those who passed through the
doors of this great school, I say we were all privileged. Now, only the
ghosts of the past remain.
The reason I am telling you folks
about the history of Feller is because I have a friend Janet Clough, who
graduated from Feller in 1965. She and I are very interested in locating
other students who went to Feller. There has never been a reunion of any
kind. Very possibly, through "The Dialogue", which is distributed in all
parts of Canada, we can reach students who attended Feller.
So Janet will start with a list
of people she lost contact with many years ago. Maiden names:
- Elaine Heinz: lived around Calgary, Alberta; age 48-50, was in grade 10 in 1965.
- Grace Quaddy: lived in Michaudville, Quebec, went to McMasterville high school, graduated 1965.
- Chris Cole: lived in St Lambert, Quebec, grade 9, 1964.
- Nancy McCall: lived in Hartford, Connecticut.
Write to Janet Clough, 333 Champlain Ave. Phillipsburg,
Box 231, Que. J0J 1N0; or to Frances Masseau Tyler, 1330 Middle Road, Clarenceville,
Quebec, J0J 1B0. Please send a self addressed envelope, as we might hear
from many students, hopefully. I will put your name in The Dialogue, hoping
we can find more students. Thank you,
Frances Masseau Tyler
Clarenceville, Quebec."
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